Aircraft Shares & Sales
Whether you are looking to buy or sell an aircraft or aircraft share, we can help. Here at Sherburn Aero Club we can offer you advice and guidance, advertising and pre-buy inspections with Sherburn Engineering Ltd.
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Cessna R172K Hawk XP – 1/4th share £22,000 (negotiable)

A well established and organised group that often flies together.
- Very good availability.
- Ideal for touring, G-EFBP is powered by a Continental OI 360 – KB 195hp engine with a
McCauley variable pitch propeller which delivers a 120 KIAS of cruising speed at 38.5
- Leather interior with sheep skins.
- Paint with Reims corrosion proof Zinc chromate.
- Hourly rate calculated using airborne time.
- Pilots must have had no accidents in the last 5 years.
- Pilots with complex (VP prop) aircraft experience would be preferred.
- Aircraft:
• Variable Pitch Propeller (74h since overhauled in July 2021)
• Aspen E5 with extra data bar (wind speed & direction, OAT, GS, etc)
• Cessna Navomatic Auto Pilot coupled with E5 for among others GPSS
• Altitude hold
• Garmin 430 WAAS enabled GPS NAV COM
• Garmin 430 enabled GPS NAV COM
• Garmin 330 Mode S transponder
• Dynon D3
• USB Hub
• PilotAware Rosetta
• King Audio Panel
• King KR 87 ADF
• King DME
• EDM 700 fuel flow
• Long range fuel tanks (250 litres/66 USG total)
• 4 seats
• 2 spare headsets for passengers
• Annual maintenance and repairs carried out by Sherburn Engineering
For more information, feel free to contact:
Steve Fawley:
07882 804999
G-AYRT Cessna R172K

Cessna R172K
McCauley propeller overhauled 2017
Avionics: Mitchell MX170 with VOR & glide slope, Tiorg TY96A, 760ch Narco NAV 122D with glide slope, Narco DME 890, King ADF Garmin, GTX 330, Mode S transponder, Century II single axis autopilot.
Refurbished seating.
50 hour check recently completed.
1/6th share availble in this well maintained Cessna.
Excellent availability - Online booking
Friendly group often fly together.
PA28 performance.
Price per share: £11,000 - Open to offers.
Current costs: £135 pm, £90 per tacho hour wet.
Very affordable flying!
Contact: Reuben - 079500 33078
G-AZFI PA28 R 200 Arrow II

PA28R 200 Arrow II
1/4 Share
Contact: Chris Mansell - 07970 890783 or
Aircraft details in download link below.
2004 Cirrus SR22 N590CD

1/5 share for sale
Based at Sherburn in Elmet (EGCJ)
Excellant availability of this long range sep aircraft
Well run group with internet booking and LTD company
Fully maintained by Multiflight Leeds
All usual avionics and 4 blade prop
Avidyne PFD and MFD with warranties
2 x Garmin 430W (WAAS)
S-Tec 55 auto pilot
TCAS, terrain, storm scope, oxygen and de-ice system
CAPS parachute system (10 year re-pack just completed)
4 x headsets (incl, 2 x Bose A20s)
1/5 Share £50,000.00
£200.00 per month standing charge
£65.00 per hour dry flying charge
Interested parties to have a minimum of 250 hours PIC and preferably IR(R)
For further information please contact ED on: 07723997898 or email:
SD1 Mini Sport G-CLLG

Built in the Czech Republic, with all factory extras fitted, engine is four stroke 350hp.
Only 11 hours flying time.
The trailer, which is bespoke for the aircraft and acts as its hangar, is also for sale but seperate from the aircraft.
For more information please contact Graham Squires:
07971 830465